Digital media diva with a gift for teaching
Sammy Ragland
I aim to ensure my future children, and their future children, and their future children have a local news source. The mission has cast me in many different roles: journalist, editor, educator, creative thinker, media innovator.
I am most proud of the people and the projects I've led in pursuit of that goal.

People & Projects
Some things I brag about to my parents
Let's link up.
I love my job. It's challenging and no two days are alike. I have an incredible boss/mentor who, since 2012, has allowed me to blend my God-given gift of teaching with the field of journalism, media and storytelling. I love sharing what I know -- and I'm really good at it -- so tell me: How can I help?

Word on the digital street

Collection of Conversations
A few articles I contributed to

Sam, Sammy, Samantha.
I answer to all three.
A Bit About Me
I often feel that I stumbled into my career as a journalist. The field, continually challenged by the ever-changing digital landscape, is under fire and will not go down without a fight.
As a digital strategy manager, editor and leader of professional storytellers, I strive to stay curious while directing content and coverage that meets readers, watchers and listeners where they are: online and on their phones.
As a people-first manager, I strive to lead my team in captivating, informing and entertaining diverse audiences.